We have two main products: our "smart subsurface material", and our sensor arrays, plus related testing equipment. We do not yet have full-scale manufacturing set up, but can provide sample quantities for testing and evaluation. Please contact us for details.

Smart Subsurface Material
Types U-3, U-4, B-3, B-4

All of our smart subsurface materials are intended to permit detection of invisible faults in subsurface earth. They are all based on standard commercial-grade bi-axial or tri-axial geosynthetic with added "smart" electronics. All types have an active region, either 3 meters wide (U-3, B-3) for railway applications, or 4 meters wide (U-4, B-4) for roadway or airports.

Both types are available with either uni-axial or bi-axial electronics. Uni-axial types (U-3, U-4) have an active region oriented perpendictular to the direction of travel. These are most appropriate for detecting faults, such as slip, shear and slope failures, which run along the direction of travel. Bi-axial types (B-3, B-4) have an active region oriented in both directions and can also detect sink-holes, seepage tunneling and ballast pockets. While somewhat more expensive, bi-axial is recommended for most applications.

Form factor: the material is supplied on a roll somewhat wider than the active width, and in lengths of 50 or 100 meters, or shorter lengths on special order.

Power required: none

Wiring required: none

Ancillary requirements: the material should be read by one of our sensor arrays

Sensor Array
Types S-3 and S-4

There are two sensor array types, which correspond to the two different actives region sizes of the subsurface material. The S-3 is to be used with U-3 or B-3, and S-4 with U-4 or B-4. Do not try to mix the 3-meter and 4-meter products: the principles of operation are the same, but the software will likely become confused.

Form factor: the sensor array is nominally 28 cm by 6 cm by 230 cm (S-3) or 340 cm (S-4). Carefully check the track or road clearance on both sides and below the array

Power required: 100 to 220V AC, less than 100 watts

Wiring required: power and USB or ethernet distribution wiring

Software: software is included (Microsoft Windows only at this time)

GPS: optional

Ancillary requirements: a standard laptop for collecting data. Depending on your environment you may need a source of power and a non-metal mounting and/or protective covering.

S-3 Sensor Array

Evaluation Carts
C-3 and C-4

These carts are intended to be a convenience for those who are evaluating Smartroad Tools on a short stretch of rail or road. They are lightweight frames which permit manually driving (pushing) a sensor array along a test area.

C-3 (shown) is intended for rail use, and has both wheels and simulated flanges to keep the cart on the rails. It is adaptable to either standard or 1-meter gauge track, or anything in between. Please contact us if you are using either extra-wide or extra-narrow gauge.

C-4 is intended for road or airport use. Because it does not have flanges, testing must be done carefully to assure that it follows the same path each time it is used. A GPS can be used to assist this, but our current software does not include the GPS module.

Form factor: the cart, which is constructed of PVC piping material, is shipped semi-disassembled. C-3 can be adjusted to fit the track gauge. In both models, the sensor array travels about 10 cm above the top of the rails or the pavement.

Ancillary requirements: a sensor array must be ordered separately, and a laptop computer (Windows) and power source must be provided for the sensor array. Optionally we can provide those.

Evaluation Cart on 1-meter track. Sensor array and typical computer are shown.